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I created Blossom with the intention of creating flowers and using colourful resin as the focal element. When pouring the premixed colourful resin, I was hard-pressed to keep the colours where I wanted them. There was a lot of blending of the colours, which I knew would happen but I was trying to control the areas that they sat in. I spent a bit of time reworking and pushing the resin around whilst it dried. In the end Blossom came out beautifully, even though I found it hard to capture the true beauty of the mixes on camera. Blossom gives me and many others a real Kiwi fruit/watermelon feel. It has a very summery feel.


A dynamic video that was posted to In The Arts Social Media Pages.

A shot of the main clusters, this piece was the first piece that I ever incorporated gemstones in this cluster like fashion.


An angled view showing the large petals.

A shot of the smaller cluster flower center, that accentuates the larger one. 


A close up shot of some of the internal texture within the resin.

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